
Global reach

Countries with NOTT users

New accounts in last 7 days

Days since launch

Financial Momentum

Amount of NOTT claimed

Daily wallet transactions

Orbs manufactured

Global reach

Countries with NOTT users

New accounts in last 7 days

Days since launch

Financial Momentum

Amount of NOTT claimed

Daily wallet transactions

Orbs manufactured

NOTT's Device Drop Campaigns

Discover the ongoing revolution in health tracking through NOTT's Device Drop Campaigns. These periodic initiatives are our commitment to make advanced health monitoring accessible to all
Join Campaigns
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graphicBe Part of a Health Revolution
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Overview of NOTT as an AI-powered
Wellness DePIN platform

Join us in redefining wellness with technology, where your health journey is personalized, secure, and forward-thinking.

AI at the Core

Utilizing AI, NOTT transforms health data into personalized insights and actionable recommendations, guiding users on their wellness path


Leveraging DePIN technology, NOTT guarantees secure and private health data handling, giving users full control over their health information

Wellness Ecosystem

NOTT unifies sleep, health monitoring, and wellness management into a single, accessible platform, offering holistic health solutions


Fostering individual and community health enhancement through innovative technology, driving forward a new era of wellness

Features & Benefits

Explore how the AI Wellness DePIN Platform is revolutionizing HealthFi, paving the way for innovative advancements in personalized health and wellness solutions.


HealthFi Protocol, AI Integration, and DePIN Technology

User benefits

Personalized health insights and token rewards

Merchant benefits

Market access and increased sales opportunities

User Benefits


Empowering User-Controlled
Data with NOTT

  • User Data Sovereignty

  • Anonymous Data Sharing Rewards

  • Contributing to Research

Comprehensive Sleep Monitoring
with NOTT

  • Advanced Sleep Tracking

  • Personalized Sleep Insights

  • Smart Environment Control

Heart Rate Monitorin
for Holistic Wellness

  • Continuous Heart Rate Tracking

  • AI-Driven Analysis

  • Actionable Health Insights

AI-Enhanced Stress Management
with NOTT

  • Stress Level Detection

  • Mindfulness and Relaxation Tips

  • Real-time Feedback

Frequently Asked Questions

What is NOTT?Toggle Icon
How can users participate in the NOTT platform?Toggle Icon
What is NOTT's primary functionality as a decentralized wellness platform?Toggle Icon
What are the key features of NOTT?Toggle Icon
Who can I contact for help with NOTT devices or the platform?Toggle Icon